Annual Pledge
Make Your Annual Pledge
Boone UU needs every member and friend of the fellowship to commit to support our fellowship with time and talents. To ensure that we keep our financial house in order, we also request a financial commitment from each household. By making this commitment you will support the needs of our dynamic congregation and enable us to make significant contributions to the well-being of others in our community. We ask each household to be generous within its means and strive to grow in that generosity. To submit your pledge, choose one of the submission tools below. Annual Pledge Commitment Form
*Once you have completed your annual financial pledge online, be sure to also complete your annual volunteer pledge:
Set up Automatic Payments You are always welcome to submit your donations by check, cash, or other instruments, but setting up regular automatic payments makes the task super easy! There are several available alternatives to set up automatic regular payments:
Thank you for your support! |