Our History, Beliefs & Symbols
The Boone Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (BUUF) was founded in 1958 and received an official charter in 1970 from what is now the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). The fellowship operated informally for many years meeting in people’s homes and various locations throughout Boone, including the Public Library. In 1981, the Fellowship purchased the home at 381 E. King Street and we finally had a place of our own! On November 15, 1981, after many hours of cleaning, painting, papering, wiring, and plumbing, The White House was formally dedicated in a ceremony presided over by Reverend Don Male from the Thomas Jefferson District of the UUA. For the first five years, we shared the upstairs space with Oasis, a shelter for battered women and children, and held our services, religious education and fellowship functions downstairs. In 1989, the Fellowship purchased the house and property directly behind The White House on Tracy Circle. Today we rent that space to The Playhouse, a non-profit activity center for children. By June 1991, we had outgrown The White House, now called the Founders House, and broke ground on what is now the Fellowship with seating for 120 people. |