Here is a preview of the upcoming events for September. Check the Upcoming Events page regularly for details. Events are posted on the Thursday prior to the week they are scheduled. Non-BUUF events are listed on the Calendar only. For questions or assistance, start by contacting the Fellowship Administrator. We look forward to seeing you soon! Sunday Services
Special Events
Reoccurring Events
Board & Committee Meetings
Today's Program: Labor and the Working Poor Presented by Marti Johnson. Service Leader: Dawn Wicklow. Marti Johnson will share stories illustrating the employment challenges and triumphs faced by the homeless and low-income people participating in Hospitality House's Rise program. After the Service 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. - Youth Lunch and Activities in Junaluska Park Fellowship Volunteer Opportunity! The Youth group—teenagers in grades 6-12 from both our congregation and the High Country United Church of Christ—will eat lunch and meet at this time in Junaluska Park, led by Travis Boswell. Travis is looking for adult volunteers to assist with group; if you can help, email Travis. MOMS DEMAND ACTION FOR GUN SENSE IN AMERICA, BOONE CHAPTER - WEDNESDAY, August 29, 2018 AT 6:30PM8/23/2018
calendarevents Archives
October 2018
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