Adult RE Forum: Sunday Adult RE Forums are cancelled for the month of October. Meetings are expected to restart in November. ![]() Sunday Service Program: Guest at Your Table 2018: Justice Across Borders Presented by Craig Fischer and BUUF. Service Leader: Will Canu. The Guest at Your Table program is the primary fundraiser for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), a non-profit member organization of the UUA that provides disaster relief and promotes human rights around the world. The “Guest at Your Table” is a small cardboard box you drop your loose change into when you sit down for a meal; our BUUF tradition is to pool the change we collect and send it to the UUSC right before Christmas. At this service, BUUF members will distribute the boxes and discuss the UUSC initiatives that help refugees and advocate for immigrant justice. After the Service at 12:30 p.m. - Youth Group: The Youth Group (grades 8-12) group meets. Contact Travis Boswell for more information. Fellowship Service Opportunity: The Youth Group is seeking volunteer assistants. Contact Travis for details.
Adult RE Forum: Sunday Adult RE Forums are cancelled for the month of October. Meetings are expected to restart in November. Sunday Service Program: Overcoming Division Presented by Rennie Brantz. Service Leader: Roland Moy. Rennie Brantz has been the Mayor of Boone since 2015, is an emeritus Professor of History at ASU, and was formerly the Co-Director of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Peace Studies. He will be able to reference this background as he explores involvement opportunities in the community in ways that attempt to overcome divisions among groups and political orientations. Community Giving Sunday: This week our collection goes to OASIS. After the Service at 12:30 p.m. - Youth Group: The Youth Group (grades 8-12) group meets. Contact Travis Boswell for more information. Fellowship Service Opportunity: The Youth Group is seeking volunteer assistants. Contact Travis for details.
Adult RE Forum: Sunday Adult RE Forums are cancelled for the month of October. Meetings are expected to restart in November. Sunday Service Program: Indigenous Peoples Day Presented by Rachel McKinney Monday, October 8th is Indigenous Peoples Day. It began as a counter-celebration held on the same day as the U.S. federal holiday of Columbus Day, which honors European explorer Christopher Columbus. Indigenous Peoples' Day is intended to celebrate Native Americans and commemorate their shared history and culture. For our service on this Sunday, Rachel McKinney will lead us in looking at some of the issues and histories surrounding indigenous people in our region of the country. After the Service at 2:00 p.m.: Youth Group will be at ASU to attend The Laramie Project at Valborg Theatre this Sunday. Parents are encouraged to attend. Contact Travis Boswell for more information. Fellowship Service Opportunity: The Youth Group is seeking volunteer assistants. Contact Travis for details.
Adult RE Forum: This week’s discussion topic: “Where Creativity Meets or Exposes our Sanity.” We will continue to explore ways our art, how we express ourselves through various art forms, both taps into who we are as well as how we want others to understand our complex inner selves Sunday Service Program: How Do We Love Ourselves, Our Neighbors, and God? Presented by Stephanie Hankins. Service Leader: Linda Larson. Every large faith tradition offers some version of the golden rule. Many sages have repeatedly taught us that we are to strive to love ourselves, our neighbors, and love God, and often these are one or different versions of saying the same thing. Just like Mr. Rogers—who was a Presbyterian pastor!—repeatedly taught us that we are all neighbors. Yet, it's one thing to tell someone to love their neighbor, but how do we decide who are our neighbors? We all have to make decisions about whom to care for, whom to love, how to care for them, and why … so how might the Bible and our experiences help us as we approach such difficult questions? Stephanie Hankins is the Presbyterian campus minister for Presbyterian Episcopal Campus Ministry (PECM) at ASU. Her campus ministry space, 3rd Place, offers community programs focused on creativity, spirituality, and social justice. She and her husband Davis have two boys and are emergency foster parents for our community's Department of Social Services. After the Service - Serendipity Potluck Lunch in Founders House: Bring a favorite dish to share, but even if you don't have one, there's always enough to go around. After the Service at 12:30 p.m. - Youth Group: The Youth Group (grades 8-12) group meets. Contact Travis Boswell for more information.
Adult RE Forum: This week’s discussion topic: “Recap of our BUUF Retreat.” BUUF has an annual retreat that just occurred yesterday. Retreats can be an important event for a variety of reasons. This is an important time to reflect and share your reactions and benefits to yesterday's experience. Your input is very important to the Board, as well as to each member of BUUF Sunday Service Program: Our Retreat and Beyond Presented by Assorted BUUF Members. Service Leader: Craig Fischer. This will be a workshop and follow-up to our Day Retreat at Valle Crucis Park on the day before (Saturday, September 22). Developing the ideas we generate in retreat workshops on social action and community-building, we will discuss specific projects and actions we can take to bring our faith out into the world. “We would be one in building for tomorrow / A nobler world than we have known today.” Children & Youth RE Note: During Religion Education today, the children will make five casseroles in the kitchen to take to Hospitality House on Thursday, September 27. If you would like to sign up to bring ingredients today and/or to serve the food on September 27, email Allison Rollans. After the Service at 12:30 p.m. - Youth Group: The Youth Group (grades 8-12) group meets. Contact Travis Boswell for more information. |
calendarevents Archives
October 2018
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