It's high summer in the High Country! Our traditional July picnic at Alice and Earl’s is after the service on Sunday, July 1. Directions to the Naylor / LeClaire homestead are in the related post—or you could follow or ride with someone after the service. July is a month of music. Our Muusic Room series continues on Wednesday, July 11 with a trio of talented singer songwriters, and we’re also going to Valle Crucis Park on Friday, July 27 for our monthly potluck and to see local favorites the Worthless Son-in-Laws. Longtime BUUF member Nate Fischer is interning for Common Cause this summer, and is hosting a workshop on gerrymandering and electoral maps on the morning of Saturday, July 14. Katie Mack and Rachel McKinney are re-igniting our Adult Forum discussion group, and the first meeting is on Sunday, July 15 at 9:30 before our service. Listed below are the times and discussion questions for Adult Forum. Join us! We will have a brief congregational meeting after the service on July 15. The subject of this meeting is a vote on setting up a procedure for future Capital Campaign projects. This is an important meeting; please attend if you can, or fill out a proxy form so someone can vote in your stead. The month ends with a busy Sunday (July 29) that includes an Adult Forum, a Serendipity lunch, and one of our thrice-yearly River Clean-Ups. Comments are closed.
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October 2018
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