Please join us for an informal, outdoor Christmas eve gathering on the BUUF grounds at 381 E. King Street from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Friday, December 24th.
You are invited to bring a candle and cookies to share (if you have them). Bring an instrument if you play! We will share a short meditation of peace and goodwill, sing carols, and enjoy each other's company in a COVID-safe manner. Please wear a mask to this event. Please stay home if you are ill* or have been exposed to someone who is ill. If you are a musician or have the tech to play music outside, please let us know. *If you are sick and would like a check-in call, please send us a private message via Facebook or email the office at [email protected] Click here for service readings and notes (PDF). Sunday, April 12th Service on Zoom "What Do Our Sources Have to Teach Us About Growth and Transformation?" led by Linda Larson. Most religions and cultures have some sort of festival around this time of year (or a little earlier, at the Equinox), marking the end of winter and the return of life in spring. In the Christian tradition, this is Holy Week, commemorating Jesus’ time in Jerusalem and his crucifixion, culminating in Easter and the miracle of resurrection. In Judaism, it is the time of Passover--the celebration of the Israelites’ survival of the ten Plagues of Egypt and their release from slavery. These stories are incredibly powerful, though they can be challenging even in the best of times. But now? We may find it difficult to celebrate a return to life when so many are dying; we may not relate to surviving plagues when disease is striking so many around us. Service leader Linda Larson and others will share readings from UU poets and preachers to spark discussion. Join Zoom Meeting , Meeting ID: 320 337 887 Schedule:
The program committee would appreciate your feedback. Are you happy with the format of recent services? Do you have suggestions? Would you prefer that services also be streamed (via Facebook or YouTube, for example)? Would it be helpful to have some portions recorded so you could watch or listen later? Do you need help with the technology? Would you like to contribute to a future service? Please contact Linda Larson or Kathy Parham. Other Opportunities for Connection - SURVEY The Program committee continues to be interested in finding ways for us to connect. Please fill out this survey if you would like to be contacted and are willing to reach out to others via Zoom, phone, or email: click here. Sunday Service Notes - Storyteller Ray Christian Visits for the MLK Jr. Service- January 19, 20201/19/2020
Starting with a kids' story (and a story for adults, as well), Dr. Ray Christian vividly described a childhood experience about him, his dog, and a compassionate fellow human who happened to be white in a time when whites and blacks mixed very little. Dr. Christian continued on the theme of overcoming challenges throughout his life and how storytelling has provided him with a platform to share with others. Learn more about Dr. Christian on the ASU website and listen to his podcast. There will be a Holiday Sale benefitting BUUF on Saturday 12/7/19 and Sunday 12/8/19 from noon to 4pm each day. We'll have paintings, quilts, pottery, plants, cards, jewelry and more! Come join us and help generate funds for needed repairs on the Founder's House. For more information contact Dottie Baker at [email protected]. |
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June 2022
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