For more information contact Dottie Baker at [email protected] or call 704-293-3672.
![]() Date: Saturday 10/9/21 9am to noon Rain date: Saturday 10/16/21 9am to noon We’re expecting great cool fall weather and near peak color for our work day on Saturday, October 9th, so come and join us for one of the only group, social-distancing-approved activities available to us for who knows how long... We’ll be finishing the grading of the area near the flag pole, laying down mulch, removing or trimming bushes that have grown too close to the buildings, pulling weeds, painting the outside trim under the “new” windows upstairs in Founders House and much more. We can use all the volunteers who show up, so come and join us! For more information contact Dottie Baker at [email protected] or call 704-293-3672. ![]() Help care for BUUF’s Buildings and Grounds It looks like the weather will be with us this coming Saturday for the Spring Work Day at BUUF! Unless Ray is wrong, and it’s pouring rain, we’ll meet at 9am in the BUUF parking lot, and continue until about noon. Rain date is May 23rd. Our top priority is to put down black plastic over the area where the pine trees stood, but there will be several other things you can do – from digging, to lightweight weeding to washing windows. Work boots and gloves recommended, garden tools requested. Does anyone have a wheelbarrow they could bring? Come and spend a day outdoors and reconnect with folks at BUUF! If you have any questions please contact Dottie Baker at [email protected] or call 704-293-3672. 1. The program committee would appreciate your feedback. Are you happy with the format of recent services? Do you have suggestions? Would you prefer that services also be streamed (via Facebook or YouTube, for example)? Would it be helpful to have some portions recorded so you could watch or listen later? Do you need help with the technology? Would you like to contribute to a future service? Please contact Linda Larson or Kathy Parham.
2. Other Opportunities for Connection - SURVEY The Program committee continues to be interested in finding ways for us to connect. Please fill out this survey if you would like to be contacted and are willing to reach out to others via Zoom, phone, or email: click here. For the latest upcoming BUUF events and more news, check our newsletter and calendar. We're having a mid-winter, clean-out-the-basement workday, and BUUF needs your help! It will be on Saturday, February 15th (snow day is Feb. 29th), starting at 10am and going until we have the basement clear of stuff. We need people who are willing to be in the basement (Sacred Spaces/Buildings&Grounds will provide safety gear), but we also need people who'll never go in the basement. Everyone will receive info on how to be safe on this job. To volunteer or to ask questions, contact Dottie Baker at [email protected] or call 704-293-3672. |
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June 2022
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Copyright 2018. Boone Unitarian Universalist Fellowship |